Saturday, April 30, 2011

Krakow... and on to Prague

Our third day started off with a trip to the Auschwitz concentration camp, the site of horrid and unspeakable acts against humans during World War II. Auschwitz is in fact three separate camps however one does not remain since it was bombed by the Allies in WWII. Even being here I can barely even begin to imagine life for millions. It's horrible but it remains to remind us of the past. On our way back we were told by our organizer that the Royal couple had been married. I found it funny because every English person I have met on this trip thus far has stated that they don't care about the wedding. They however loved the fact that they had a 3-day work week. After returning we ventured to our new hostel which was fairly small and really nice. We kept it a low key night since the past two nights were... well... yeah, those kinda nights. The next day we had to be up and ready to go since we had a train to catch.

It turns out the train we had to catch was not possible since the train we needed to get there left way earlier than we had realized. What I'm trying to say is the top ticket we had said our train departed at 12:05pm. That ticket was in fact our connecting train and not our original destination. Whoops! Oh well after little hassle we were on our way. After 2 train connections and 8 hours we were in Prague. Our next goal, to get to the hostel. Our hostel is located a ways away from the main train station and we had multiple options for getting here however the easiest and best way was by taxi. We managed to follow some signs that led us to a taxi cab line where we approached three taxi cab drivers. We had been advised by TJ's book that you should ask how much the ride is going to cost so you don't get hustled. One cab driver showed us a placard and said it would cost about 1580 Czech crowns (koruna). With our quick match skills this would come out to be about 100 dollars. Say to hell with that we head back in with one of the other taxi cab drivers following us attempting for us to name our price. Say we would return with money we left hastily. After wondering a bit, finally resting a bit, and realizing I have no cell phone coverage here we made for another taxi cab location to which was WAY better. We approached the driver and gave him the address asking how much it would cost to get us there. He replied about 500 Czech crowns. SOLD! In no time we had made it to our hostel where we now rest. Good night!

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